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Chama Oil Dock

In 2017, I finally got around to building and installing the model of the oil dock at Chama, an important structure in Chama’s yard.  This was dock was the terminus of a short pipeline from an oil field north of town, and allowed the eastward transport of crude by rail to Alamosa – a major source of revenue in the 1950s and 1960s.  Besides building the Chama Car Shops kit, I had to replace a one-track spur with a two-track loading facility.  These photos summarize the progress on this project.


The starting point: all the structures and trees have been removed, and the completed oil dock and tracks are temporarily sitting on the hill.


The single track spur and the original hillside scenery have been removed, and the location of the new track is set. The new scenery hillside scenery base of foam has been installed.


The two-track oil dock has been installed. Due to its length, the dock extends beyond the original Chama footprint onto the adjacent part of the home layout. So far, it looks good.


The scenery around the dock has been completed, while mock-ups are in place for the future structures on the hill, such as the warehouse and the town.


The hillside scenery is now complete, while K-27 453 pulls a stock extra past the Chama water tank. The warehouse behind the tank has not yet been built.


The oil dock and warehouse are now complete. The warehouse was scratchbuilt using plans from the Narrow Gauge and Short Line Gazette from styrene, covered with Campbell corrugated siding, painted and heavily weathered with chalks.

2018, by Chuck Graham

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